It can be useful to use the Multiple Choice tasks actively, in addition to reflecting on other questions and tasks in the subject books. Get to know all the learning resources available in the e learning platform you are using Explain the syllabus out loud Explain what you have read in your own words to someone you live with, family members, friends etc. with whom you can video chat. It is important these days to avoid close contact, which is why webcam solutions are good.
Contact the online teacher or the study center if you have any questions. They can help you moible number data Oslo Nye Høyskole has the most satisfied psychology students in the country We put all bragging aside and state that our students in psychology are the bachelor students in the field who are the most satisfied in the country. We can conclude that after the national study Studiebarometeret from has been published. Published in Student news by Helene Samuelsen Tuesday February, last updated Monday March.
Our psychology students are even happier this year Every year, several tens of thousands of students around large and small colleges and universities assess their perception of the studies they are attending on a scale between and , with five being the best. Our psychology students program in , and it is nice to see that in they are markedly even more satisfied The online students give us a grade of . this year, compared to . in , and those who study on campus in Oslo has gone from a satisfaction.