本帖最後由 parvej64 於 2023-10-11 18:01 編輯
You can also check out the online image editing tool PIXLR . Fig. Screenshot from the Canva tool - presentation of sample project types . Entries about your job position Earlier, I wrote about the importance of posting personal rankings – of your favorite books and movies. Another interesting option is photos of your work/play area. If you run a blog about games and new technologies - take a photo of your workstation (computer, additional gadgets) and describe the equipment you use. Maybe you really like your keyboard and are happy with it? Write a few sentences about your impressions from everyday use and don't forget to add an affiliate link to the place where the reader can buy it online.
Do the same! PRO TIP: Photos don't have to be of perfect quality (sometimes even lower quality looks more authentic), although the better they are, the more it affects your image as a photo retouching blogger. For processing, you can use the previously mentioned online editors or upload them to Instagram - the application has a basic editor and numerous filters. . Report from an event or trip Readers rarely associate travel and participation in hobby events with advertising. And there are many opportunities to earn money from such entries: interesting trips, sports equipment - you can add links under your photos.
Were you on a bicycle trip? Take a photo of your bike and add a link to this model in the description under the photo. Don't forget to write a few sentences about your impressions after a long drive. This is valuable information and can help a person decide to purchase a similar bike. It is important that you constantly test where links work best - under photos or maybe in the text itself? It all depends on the specifics of what you are writing about and what your website looks like. An example of such a photo with a description below It worked! I survived such a long trip and my bike (affiliate link) is still alive! If there is no such restriction under the affiliate agreement, it is worth shortening the affiliate link.