Abandonment risk ⑤: Negative not only for attracting customers to stores but also for recruiting human resources It has a negative impact not only on attracting customers to stores but also on recruiting human resources. Recruitment for store staff has also been negatively affected. Job seekers also do a lot of research on companies and stores they are interested in, but they don't just look at job posting media or official websites, they also look at the location on Google Maps, and they also check information on business profiles.
If you leave your business profile unattended and ignore negative reviews, or if you leave inco Consumer Mobile number Database rrect information posted, talented people who are interested in you may end up distrusting the company/store. , I will refrain from applying. No matter how much effort you put into posting job advertisements or using social media, your neglected business profile will get in the way, and this will be a big disadvantage to your recruitment efforts. Once this situation reaches such a point, it cannot be improved immediately.
Your business profile is also the "face" of your company or store. If you do not manage it properly, there is a risk that it will affect the acquisition of excellent human resources, so we recommend that you update and manage it on a daily basis. The importance of managing your Google Business Profile We have explained in detail the risks of leaving your Google Business Profile unattended. These risks have a significant negative impact on a store's or company's ability to attract customers, brand image, recruitment efforts, and online visibility.