stand out. » Chart Dashboard Landing page links are also amajor conversion tool, directing prospects with questions to detailedinformation about your product, its usefulness, and its benefits. At the sametime, consider interacting directly on the Zendesk Marketplace. Respond tocomments and encourage happy customers to leave reviews to boost your app'sappeal. But rather than taking our word for it, we invite you to follow thevaluable advice of Kay Heunen, member of Sparkly, to succeed on the ZendeskMarketplace: “by adding titles, you will greatly improve the visibility of yourad. Also remember to list the most common use cases and use at least 300 wordsin total. » Put all the chances on your side You now have all the keys to writinga quality
ad! Here are three final tips to stand out on theMarketplace: Provide a simple, clear description: Generate Chinese Australia Phone Number List interest by clearlydetailing the benefits your app can bring to potential customers. Take care ofyour presentation: the bare minimum would be three screenshots, but you can usemore to air out the text or illustrate different functions. Take advantage ofreviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews so that potential users haveconfidence in your product.A partnership for progress: discover the Zendesktechnical community. Discover a place where Zendesk Partners from around theworld can come together to learn and grow together. By Shaun Adler, GlobalDirector of Partner , 2024 Person using binocularsIn the
digital age, communities are no longer limited to the realworld: meeting spaces are also virtual. Online, everyone can exchange, learnand grow with others. Zendesk has been defending this vision for years now byallowing our ecosystem partners to pool their expertise across a wide range ofsectors and technologies in all languages. In the past, the Zendesk Partnerteam has hosted in-person and online events to discuss our product roadmap andfeatures, with the goal of helping customers solve their common challenges.Since then, we have decided to evolve these sessions towards more digital. Fromthis desire was born the technical community of partners: a virtual space thatmakes content accessible to all our partners, all the time. As Global Director