Carried out using statistical methods and techniques so that the information obtained can subsidize strategic decision making for the business. There are several classifications for market research. One of the existing classifications divides this type of research into: study of opportunities: sales, product and market; study of sales effort: sales organization, distribution channels and advertising. Another classification divides market research into different subtypes: The first of them is the exploratory study , whose objective is to discover new trends. Then comes the second subtype, which is the descriptive study , whose purpose is to describe [size=14.6667px].
the characteristics of a given situation. The third subtype, the experimental study , is intended to Chinese Australia Phone Number List test specific hypotheses about a certain aspect of the market. A satisfaction research methodology that is widely used in the world is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) market study . In this research method, consumers answer the following question: "How much would you recommend our company to a friend on a scale of to ?" Respondents who score and are considered brand ambassadors . Those who score and are neutral. On the other hand, those who obtain a score less than or equal to are considered detractors of the brand.
Another example of market research is doing a name test for new products and services, since choosing the name for a new company is not an easy task and has a great impact on the business. Through this type of research it is possible to verify if people like the sound of a name. It is also possible to evaluate whether the name refers to the idea of a cheaper or more expensive product, in addition to allowing the purchase intention of the interviewees to be evaluated.enerate interesting ideas is market research on consumer habits focused on social networks . From this type of research, it is possible to know which social network is the most appropriate for th[size=14.6667px].